For John Ransford Arthur, every event or situation in his life is an opportunity to innovate and find creative means to solve societal problems. John is a BSc Electrical and Electronic Engineering Student at University of Mines and Technology, Tarkwa and a beneficiary of the West African Gas Pipeline Company Limited’s (WAPCo) Scholarship for host communities.

John, now in his final year, recently had the opportunity to intern at WAPCo’s Takoradi Regulating and Metering (R&M) Station. “During my internship at the Takoradi Station, I conceptualized a 24-hour monitoring device for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to track emissions from industries in real-time,” John said. This system would alert the EPA when emissions exceed set thresholds, enabling timely intervention.

John’s success is not just his own. It’s a testament to the collaborative spirit at WAPCo. He worked closely with WAPCo employees at the Takoradi Regulating and Metering (R&M) Station, including Jeremiah Charm and Francis Eduful. The mentorship and input of the Operations Coordinator for the Takoradi R&M Station, Prince Ahulu, were invaluable in refining the concept. With the WAPCo Takoradi team’s support, he addressed the EPA’s need for continuous monitoring to combat climate change effectively in response to the global crisis.

John recently participated in the National Innovation Challenge organized by the Ministry of Environment Science Technology and Innovation and the World Bank, showcasing innovative projects and emerged as one of the top 10 finalists. “WAPCo is very proud of John and our other scholarship beneficiaries who are working hard to make an impact in their communities and their countries. That is the essence of our scholarships, which is aimed positively impacting the lives of the youth in our host communities to promote equitable and sustainable growth in these communities”, Dr. Isaac Adjei Doku, WAPCo’s General Manager, Corporate Affairs said.

John’s device is currently installed at his university’s campus, and daily readings can be accessed at the website provided below. Eratechgh – []

John’s impact extends beyond the university campus. He earlier collaborated with two others to invent a Multipurpose Home Automation System. This device, which can control all home appliances without any human intervention, is a game-changer for his community. For this invention, John and his two colleagues were acknowledged during the 6th Annual Career and Innovation fair held during the 70th anniversary of the University of Mines and Technology.

“I am deeply grateful to the West African Gas Pipeline Company Limited for providing me with the opportunity to intern at the Takoradi Station and as a beneficiary for their scholarship, which has been instrumental in my journey and success,” John said.